Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Chonchi
The Our Lady of the Rosary Church of Chonchi (Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Chonchi) is a Catholic temple located in front of the Central Square in the city of Chonchi, standing in the east coast of the narrowest area of the Greater Island of Chiloé.

The presence of a church in the village of Chonchi dates to the second half of the XVIII century, when the Jesuit chose this place to establish a forward position in their mission, to reach nearby areas and the most southern zones of the archipelago. Within this context, the Governor Guill de Gonzaga ordered the construction of the first church, which was finished in 1769, only two years after the official foundation of Villa Saint Carlos of Chonchi, called “the end of Christianity” by the Spanish.

The current temple dates from 1893 and it was placed on a foundation of stone and cypress. It is 45 meters long by 18 meters wide and it has a 23-meter tower. Built with neoclassical style influence, the façade of the church is supported by six columns connected by five arches, two of them diminished, two pointed, and a central one semicircular. Of its three naves, the central one is separated from the lateral ones by pillars and arches, and from it a big blue semicircular arch vault is displayed, splattered in white stars.

It was declared National Monument in July 1971 and World Heritage by UNESCO in 2000. The main festivity of this church is celebrated every November 4, honoring its patron Saint Charles of Borromeo.
Practical Information
Address: 271 Francisco Corral St., Chonchi, Los Lagos Region.

Main Religious Festivity: Saint Charles of Borromeo (November 4)

Parish Priest: Edito Rain Quediman

Phone Number: 65- 2671265

Email: parroquiachonchi@gmail.com
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