The James the Apostle Church of Detif (Iglesia Santiago Apostol de Detif) is a Catholic Temple located in the village of Detif, in Lemuy island, municipality of Puqueldón. It is placed in the center of the town.
The current temple of Detif was built early XIX century mainly in coigue and larch woods, on a foundation of stone to protect it against the humidity of the soil. Due to the lack of metal in the island, in the structural work no iron nails were used, but wooden pegs instead. It is one of the simplest temples in Chiloé. Spatially, it is made up by two lateral naves and a central one, separated by colonnades. The central nave is crowned by a barrel vault with a semicircular arch. In addition, wooden ships hang from the central nave. These ships are believed to be offerings from sailors.
It was declared National Monument in August 1999 and World Heritage by UNESCO in 2000. Its patron saint is Our Lady of Lourdes, whose festivity is celebrated on March 25. Other religious festivities in Detif are Jesus Nazarene (March 7) and Saint Teresita (June 16).